If you work with WordPress, one of the handiest tools you can add to your toolbelt is WP-CLI. It’s like a swiss army knife, especially when you’re having trouble accessing the web interface, if you have SSH access you can do so much with it.
The following are examples of how I use it in my day to day tasks.
Search and Replace
Sometimes, when you’re going from a dev url to a production instance, you need to search and replace certain text in the database to now point to the production instance. This is where you can use the search-replace command of the wp-cli utility.
Take out the —dry-run option when you actually want to make the changes
wp search-replace --dry-run --skip-columns=guid --report-changed-only 'lookfor' 'replacewith'
Add a user to an install
wp user create username [email protected] --role=administrator
Get a list of users
wp user list
| ID | user_login | display_name | user_email | user_registered | roles |
| 1 | notadmin | First Lastn | [email protected] | 2012-09-24 12:05:52 | administrator |
| 51 | someotheruser | F Lastname | [email protected] | 2021-09-22 16:25:38 | administrator |
Reset a user’s password
Once you see the userlist above, the userid is the first column you see.. so use that to change the password
wp user update userid --user_pass=somenewpassword
Change the home and siteurl of the site
Say you started a site out as https://dev.example.com, but now you’re ready to go live to example.com, you can override this option in your wp-config.php or you can update the options table with this new
First confirm what the option is that WordPress knows about.
wp option get home
wp option get siteurl
Now we can change it by issuing the following command.
wp option update home 'http://example.com'
wp option update siteurl 'http://example.com'
Update all plugins
wp plugin update --all